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Firearms Nation Podcast

May 2, 2017

Tony Blauer has been teaching people to protect themselves for over 37 years.  His SPEAR (Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response) system of close quarter defense is currently being taught in all levels of law enforcement and in military groups.  His company is Blauer Tactical Systems and it has several branches to meet the needs of elite athletes, high speed SWAT officers, and even the soccer moms.

Tony can be controversial to some people who claim he is against their brand of martial art but Tony explains that no matter what martial art or self defense class you take, there is no way to train for an ambush.  You can’t know where you will be or what you will be doing when the ambush happens, but you can learn to utilize your flinch response and make that the launch into what ever art you’ve learned.

Self defense is a big part of the Firearms Nation.  Tony helps you get to the “what’s next” when you “Choose Safety” and “Be Your Own Bodyguard”.


To find Tony and start training with him go to:

Links mentioned in the episode:

Video with Israeli soldier being stabbed:


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