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Firearms Nation Podcast

Mar 15, 2019


Welcome back to the Firearms Nation Podcast.  I had the opportunity to be a guest on the Sheepdog Nation Podcast and was very intrigued by the host, Autumn Clifford.  Autumn is a nine year law enforcement officer and started a podcast to get her thoughts out into the world and ended up gaining a following.  Now her podcast also has guests on each week.  Furthermore, she started a membership site for officers and other people interested in becoming better leaders which is a passion of hers.

Autumn prides herself with her background in the martial arts as something that brought her confidence and helped her as a woman succeed in law enforcement.  Autumn speaks her mind and just note, she’s not afraid of curse words so if you listen to this in an open not safe for work area, plug those headphones in.  And, maybe this isn’t the episode for the kiddies. 

Anyway had a great time talking with Autumn and check out the links in the show notes to get over to her podcast or follow her on Instagram.

Links mentioned in the episode:

Lady Sheepdog on Instagram

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